viernes, 13 de enero de 2023

Optional - VI Extra Points -->Let´s transform the sentences in different tense forms!! (Present Simple, Past simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuos, Past Continuous)

 Dear students! Here you have some optional practice. Although, it is a great opportunity! It´s time to practice the creation of different sentences through sentence transformation:

Change this sentence below into the following verb tenses:

He knows the lesson that he needs for the test. 

1.Present simple negative: On tuesdays,_____________                 

Present simple interrogative:_____________________________

2. Past simple affirmativeYesterday, ____________________

Past simple negative: __________________________________

Past simple interrogative: ________________________________ 

3. Present Perfect affirmativeThis week, ___________________

Present Perfect negative: ___________________________________

Present Perfect interrogative:________________________________ 

4. Present Continuous affirmativeRight now,_________________

Present Continuous negative: ________________________________

Present Continuous interrogative:_____________________________

5Past Continuous affirmativeLast night,_____________

Past Continuous negative: __________________________________

Past Continuous interrogative:_______________________________

6. Future simple affirmative: Tomorrow,_____________________

Future simple negative: ____________________________________

Future simple interrogative: _________________________________

7. Past Perfect affirmative: Last Monday,_______________

Past Perfect negative: ____________________________________

Past Perfect interrogative: __________________________________

8. Create a setence with second conditional 

(If+ subject+ past simple; Subject + would + verb base form (infinitive) )


Negative: _____________________________________________

How many irregular verbs don´t you know? 

Please, remember that you have to study them!!

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