Dear students !!
Please, check the following info about Technology.
In which sectors/areas and how can we use the modern technology? Some of them are:
- healthcare (using scanners, x-ray, microscopes),
- communication (Internet, video calling software),
- food production (frozen food made in factories or farm),
- clothing (new materials such as synthetic fabrics (nylon, viscose)),
- transport (many inventions such as cars, buses, trains, etc...),
- art (stulys and a touch sensitive pad to draw),
- music (recording studios and modern computers) and
- sports (running machines, rowing machines, fitness watches that measure steps and heart beats).
Let´s check the definitions that you may remember:
- Router: it´s a machine that enables data to be sent between computers in a network.
- Keyword: it´s a significant word or phrase that describes the content of a text or a document. It´s typed into a computer to find information that includes the word or phrase.
- Browser: it´s a computer program that we use to connect to Internet. Some examples are Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox.
- Word processing: it´s a type of software program that can be used to type and edit text such as letters, articles, stories and reports.
- Internet: it´s a computer network that connects computers around the world.
- virus: in computers, it´s a program that can reproduce itself and stops the computer from working properly.
- software: the program that can be used to control a particular computer system.
What are the four functions of a computer? The four basic functions of a computer are input, storage, processing and output.
Do you remember some of the parts of the computer?
- What are some parts are used to generate input? Keyboards, mouse, web-cams
- Can you mention some parts that generate output? printers, screens, etc...
Let´s try to mention some benefits and risks of using Internet:
- We have instant access to information.
- We can save time by doing things online.
- It´s easy to contact people around the world.
- People can work from remote locations.
- Viruses can damage computers.
- Criminals can access and steal information, products and money.
- People sometimes use the Internet to bully other people.
- The information isn´t always accurate (or correct).
- As people connect more and more time online, they become more reliant on the Internet.
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