viernes, 2 de junio de 2023

Revision of Unit 3 _ Vocabulary of the unit_ Grammar _ Verb focus _ Assignments / Writing

 Dear students,

Please review the following items for the Unit 3 test:

  • Vocabulary with definitions related to chores (taks performed in the house).

* Vacuum cleaner (Aspiradora) / to vacuum (Pasar la aspiradora)

* broom (escoba)// to sweep (barrer)// mop (fregona /mopa)

* Diswasher (fregaplatos)// sponge (esponja)

* washing machine (lavaplatos)// to hang (colgar)// to dry (secar)

* Iron (plancha)// to iron (planchar)

* laundry (colada/ el lavado de ropa)

* Lawnmower (grass cutting machine // cortacésped) 

  •  Grammar related to past simple, past continuous and present perfect.

* Transform sentences to affirmative, negative and interrogative with the past tenses.

He makes plans in the weekends.

--> He didn´t make any plans. (Past simple)

--> Were you making plans, when I saw you? (past continuous)

--> I haven´t made any plans yet. (Present Perfect

  • Verb focus.

* Use the verbs in the present perfect and past simple (in affirmative, negative and interrogative).

1. Dig (cavar) // 2. dream (soñar) // 3. fight (luchar) // 4. freeze (congelar/ helarse) // 5. Kneel (arrodillarse)

to Take out (sacar) // to tidy up (ordenar) // Put away (guardar/colocar) // clean up (limpiar) // take off (quitarse)

  • What actions are created with make or do?

How often do you help with the household chores?
(0% Never, 30% rarely, 50% sometimes, 60%_often , 90%_usually, 100%_always)

PLease, let us know how often you help in your house:

I often mop the floor. // I rarely take out the trash // I usually clean the bathroom //

jueves, 1 de junio de 2023

Review of the Activity Book answers

 Dear students,

Here you can find the answers to the activities of the Activity Book.

Please, check the answers

Activity Book _ European Union_ Answer sheet!!


- Aims / Goals of the European Union

- History of the European Union (facts).

- Seven Main EU institutions and definitions: ___________

- Single Market in EU --> Characteristics.

    * Are there any advantages?

- Eurozone. What is it?

- Countries and capitals of the EU.  Where are they located?

* Austria, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, Portugal, Iceland, Greece, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Poland, United Kingdom


- barrier: something that it difficult to do something else.

- export: to send goods or services to another country.

- import: to buy goods or services from another country.

- inflation: rise in the prices of services and goods in a country which results in the value of money falling.

- Goods: Different types of products.

- currency: it´s the type of money used in a country or region.

- partnership: when two or more people or organisations work together to achieve a common goal.

- trade: buying and selling of products and services between people or countries.

Revision of Unit 3 _ Vocabulary of the unit_ Grammar _ Verb focus _ Assignments / Writing

  Dear students, Please review the following items for the Unit 3 test: Vocabulary with definitions related to chores (taks performed in the...