miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2022

Review of Natural Science II!! Activities and definitions

 Dear students,

Please, read you notes and complete the following activities that you find in the link.

Click here --> Activity review Electricity & Magnetism _ Part II

Please, answer the following questions:

  • What is the magnetosphere?
  • What causes the Magnetosphere?


Click here --> Definitions of electricity and Magnetism

Electric current: is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. 

Electric circuit: it is a continuous conducting path that electric current can

flow along.

An electron: is a particle of an atom that is negatively charged and orbits

around the nucleus of the atom.

Electron (-)

Proton (+)


Magnetic bar: it’s a permanent magnet because it can’t be

switch on and off. It always has a magnetic field. The lines

around it represent the magnetic field.

Magnetism: is an invisible force between two magnetic objects or between a magnetic object and an object made of magnetic materials (for example, iron).

Magnetosphere: is the Earth's magnetic field. The magnetosphere 

protects life on Earth by deflecting solar radiation.

The center of the Earth is made up of liquid iron, due to the rotation of the Earth liquid iron moves and produces a magnetic field around it.

Compass: it’s an instrument that detects the Earth’s

magnetic field and helps us to find our way.

Definitions in Spanish!!

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2022

III Extra Points -->Let´s transform the sentences in different tense forms!! (Present Simple, Past simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuos, Past Continuous)

 Dear students!

It´s time to practice the creation of different sentences through sentence transformation:

THey forget the keys almost every day

Change into:

1.Present simple negative: On tuesdays,_______________________________

Present simple interrogative:__________________________________________________

2. Past simple affirmativeYesterday, __________________________________________

Past simple negative: ______________________________________________________

Past simple interrogative: ___________________________________________________ 

3. Present Perfect affirmativeThis week, _____________________________________

Present Perfect negative: ____________________________________________________

Present Perfect interrogative:__________________________________________________ 

4. Present Continuous affirmativeRight now,___________________________________

Present Continuous negative: ________________________________________________

Present Continuous interrogative:______________________________________________

Social Science Mindmap!! Post-war and Spain since 1975

 Dear students,

Please, answer the following questions for the mindmap:

After the civil war, What did Franco establish? What did he take control of?



What were the consequences of Franco´s dictartorship?







How were the living conditions after the Civil war?

What happened in 1960? Were there any reforms?

Who did Franco name as his succesor?

What happened in 1970?


What transition occurred in Spain since 1975?

Could you name some important reforms?

Which are some characteristics of the Spanish constitution of 1978?

What happened in 1981, 1986 and 2002?

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2022

Review of Social Science: Post-War and Spain since 1975

 Post-War and Franco´s Death!!

After a war, the consequences are always devastated: there is not enough food or water, buildings, houses and roads are destroyed and communication is hard to establish again. 

After the Civil war in 1940 - 1950, living conditions were hard and people in Spain were really poor, living in missery. Spain didn’t participiate in the Second World War, but Franco supported Germany. After this war, the United Nations were created, and Spain wasn’t allowed to be a membership until the dictatorship ended.

It was in 1960s, when there were economic reforms and the economy in the country started to improve and getting better the living and working conditions. Tourism started to become important. 

Franco then, named Juan Carlos de Borbón as his successor, so the monarchy was again restored when Franco died. 

In the 1970s, Franco was old and ill. Some supporters were divided into some who wanted to continue as before (without changes) and others who wanted reforms. 

Admiral Carrero Blanco was named as the prime minister: he wanted to continue the dictatorship but he was killed by the terrorist group ETA. Franco died in 1975, after 36 years of dictatorship.

Please, review and complete the activity of  the timeline in your notebook!!

5. Spain since 1975

After Franco´s death, Juan Carlos I began with the transition to democracy. It wasn’t until 1978 when the new constitution was finally done. 

During the transition, important reforms were introduced by the prime minister Adolfo Suárez: 

 All political parties were made legal. 

 There was a democratic election in 1977. 

 A new constitution was written. 

In 1978 people voted in favour of the constitution in a referendum and it was adopted. This constitution is the one valid nowadays, and it is the base to the government today.

What things were introduced or modified with the Spanish Constitution in 1978?

  1. ______________________________
  2. ______________________________
  3. ______________________________
  4. ______________________________
  5. ______________________________

II Extra Points -->Let´s transform the sentences in different tense forms!! (Present Simple, Past simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuos, Past Continuous)

Dear students!

It´s time to practice the creation of different sentences through sentence transformation:

He explains the lesson to his friends.

Change into:

1.Present simple negative: On tuesdays,_______________________________

Present simple interrogative:__________________________________________________

2. Past simple affirmative: Yesterday, __________________________________________

Past simple negative: ______________________________________________________

Past simple interrogative: ___________________________________________________ 

3. Present Perfect affirmative: This week, _____________________________________

Present Perfect negative: ____________________________________________________

Present Perfect interrogative:__________________________________________________ 

4. Present Continuous affirmative: Right now,___________________________________

Present Continuous negative: ________________________________________________

Present Continuous interrogative:______________________________________________

5. Past Continuous affirmative: Last night,__________________________

Past Continuous negative: ________________________________________________

Past Continuous interrogative:______________________________________________

6. Future simple affirmative: Tomorrow,________________________________________

Future simple negative: ____________________________________________________

Future simple interrogative: _________________________________________________

Review of Electricity and Magnetism! Notes!!

Dear students,

If you click on the links, you can review some of the information of the unit.

This is for the students that may have missed it:

Electricity and Magnetism notes _ Click the link !!

Electricidad y Magnetismo _ Apuntes

Proyecto de tolerancia y respeto sobre las creencias y religiones

Estimados alumnos,

A continuación, podéis encontrar un resumen de la propuesta de investigación sobre las distintas creencias en las distintas sociedades. Seguimos investigando sobre las características de cada una de ellas. 

El Budismo

 1. ¿Qué es budismo?

2. ¿En qué se caracteriza?

3. ¿Qué es el Karma?

4. ¿Qué es la reencarnación?

5. Ética budista

6. ¿Quién fue Sidharta Gautama?

a) ¿Por qué se rapó?

7. Tipos de budismo


El Anglicanismo


1. ¿Qué es el anglicanismo o Iglesia Anglicana?

2. ¿A qué se refiere el anglicanismo?¿Cuál es el origen del “Anglicanismo” o “Iglesia Anglicana”?

3. Características y/o Principios de la Iglesia Anglicana

4. ¿Qué le ocurrió a Enrique VIII?

5. Diferencias entre la iglesia anglicana y la iglesia católica.


1. ¿Qué es el hinduismo?

2. ¿Cuáles son sus elementos fundamentales?

3. ¿Cómo lo conciben sus practicantes?        

4. ¿Quién es el fundador del hinduismo?

5. ¿Cuáles son las características del hinduismo?

6. ¿Cuáles son las principales creencias del hinduismo?

7. ¿Cuáles son las doctrinas del hinduismo?

8. ¿Cuál es el origen del hinduismo?

9. ¿Qué libros sagrados podemos encontrar en el hinduismo?

10. ¿Quiénes son los dioses del hinduismo?


 1. ¿Qué es el Islam?

2. ¿Cómo se llama a los creyentes del Islam?

3. ¿Qué significa que el Islam es monoteísta?

4. ¿Cuáles son los 5 pilares fundamentales del Islam?

5. ¿Qué es el Corán? ¿Cómo lo consideran los musulmanes?

6. ¿Cómo se llaman los templos del Islam?

7. ¿Cuáles son los 3 tipos de prendas tradicionales usadas por las mujeres?

8. ¿Por dónde se extendía el imperio conquistado por los sucesores de Mahoma? ¿Qué nombre reciben estos jefes políticos?

9. ¿Qué significa la palabra Islam?

10. ¿Cuáles son las 3 religiones monoteístas actuales que creen en la existencia de un único Dios?


1. ¿Qué es el judaísmo?

2. ¿Cuál es el Dios del judaísmo? ¿Qué pacto se realizó con el pueblo?

3. ¿Cuál es la ley del judaísmo y en qué consiste?

4. ¿Hay templos en el judaísmo? ¿Para qué sirven?

5. ¿Cuál es el origen del judaísmo?

6. ¿Qué surgió de Jacob?

7. ¿Cuándo surge el reino de Israel?

8. ¿Qué fue el holocausto? ¿Qué ocurrió después?

9. ¿Cuál es el símbolo judío?

10. ¿Cuáles son algunos de los fundamentos del judaísmo?



1. ¿Qué es el cristianismo?

2. ¿Cuál es su base o fundamento?

3. ¿Cuáles son las mayores iglesias y tendencias cristianas?

4. ¿Cómo surgió el cristianismo? ¿Cuál es su libro sagrado?

5. ¿Qué ocurrió con el edicto de Milán? ¿Qué significó el edicto de Tesalónica?

6. Menciona 5 características del cristianismo

Catolicismo / Iglesia católica

1. ¿Qué es el catolicismo?

2. ¿Por quién fue fundada?

3. ¿Cuál es su misión principal?

4. ¿De dónde viene la palabra iglesia y qué significa?

5. ¿Qué significa católica? ¿En qué se diferencia de otras iglesias cristianas?

6. ¿Dónde se encuentra la sede de la Iglesia Católica?

7. ¿En qué aspectos se basa la doctrina de la Iglesia católica?

8. ¿Cuáles son algunos de los acontecimientos más relevantes de la historia de la Iglesia Católica?

9. ¿La institución de la iglesia católica está compuesta?

10. ¿Quién es la cabeza la institución de la Iglesia?

11. ¿De qué se encargan los obispos y quiénes les ayudan?

12. ¿Cómo es la organización territorial de la iglesia? 

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2022

Extra Points -->Let´s transform the sentences in different tense forms!! (Present Simple, Past simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuos, Past Continuous)

 Dear students!

It´s time to practice the creation of different sentences through sentence transformation:

I buy a lot of food in the supermarket.

Change into:

1.Present simple negative:______________________________________

Present simple interrogative:__________________________________________________

2. Past simple affirmative:____________________________________________________

Past simple negative: ______________________________________________________

Past simple interrogative: ___________________________________________________ 

3. Present Perfect affirmative:_________________________________________________

Present Perfect negative: ____________________________________________________

Present Perfect interrogative:__________________________________________________ 

4. Present Continuous affirmative:_____________________________________________

Present Continuous negative: ________________________________________________

Present Continuous interrogative:______________________________________________

5. Past Continuous affirmative:_____________________________

Past Continuous negative: ________________________________________________

Past Continuous interrogative:______________________________________________

6. Future simple affirmative: _______________________________________________

Future simple negative: ____________________________________________________

Future simple interrogative: _________________________________________________

Let´s complete the missing parts with the BLUE info:

 Let´s complete the parts missing in the Notes with the BLUE info:


What did the scientists find out? These scientists discovered that electricity and magnetism are linked to each other. Electric current produces a magnetic field when it flows along a wire.

A magnet can also create electric current in a wire. To create an electric current, we can move a magnet in a circular motion around a coil of wire.

Electrical generators in power stations

We can generate electricity with magnets.

Power generation video!

Hydroelectric power video II! Please, click to check how the electricity is generated!!

5. Electromagnets

Many modern inventions use electromagnets. Electric bells use electromagnetism. Common electromagnetic inventions include electric bells, high speed trains, speakers and microphones.

What are some uses of electromagnets?


A magnetic levitation train, or a maglev, uses electromagnets to levitate above its tracks. Magnets are also used to move the train forward. Maglevs can travel at very high speeds because there is no friction between the train and the track.

2. Speakers and microphones

In a speaker, electric current causes a cone to vibrate and produce a sound. A coil is attached to the cone.

In a microphone, sound waves cause the cone to vibrate. The vibration is then transformed into an electric current as the coil moves through the magnetic field of the magnet.

3. Electric Bell

1. The switch is closed and electric current flows through the circuit.

3. The hammer is attracted to the electromagnet and hits the bell.


martes, 22 de noviembre de 2022

Natural Science Mind map! 2nd part! Electromagnetism!

Dear students,

In order to continue reviewing the electromagnetism, let´s create a mindmap.

  • Who are the scientists related to Electromagnetism?
  • What did Hans Christian Oersted discover?
  • What did André-Marie Ampere decide to investigate? What was one of his discoveries?
  • What did Michael Farady experimented about? What did he show?
Please, review the activity book (first 3 pages of the electricity unit)


lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2022

Social Science Mind Map! Contemporary Age in Spain XX century (20th)!!

Dear students,

Let´s try to create a mind about the beginning of the Contemporary Age in Spain (20th Century). Please, let your classmates know about this activity, so that we help each other!

I suggest to answer the following questions in order to help you create the Mindmap.

1.) Spain in the Contemporary Age:

  • How was governing Spain at the end of the XIX century? Then, who continued to govern in the beginning of XX century?
  • How was the situation and what happened?
  • Who gave a military coup and when?
  • What were the consequences of the military coup?

2.) 2nd Republic:
  • When did the 2nd republic begin? Why did it begin?
  • What changes happened with the 2nd republic? (mention 3 or 4)
  • How was the society? Was it united or divided? Why?
3.) Spanish Civil War:
  • When did it happen? Why did it occur?
  • What were the two main groups?
  • Did they happen international support?
  • When did it finish? How did it finish?
4.) Consequences of the Spanish civil war in the Contemporary Age (20th century)

  • Name 5 consequences of the Spanish civil war:
    • ________________________________________
    • ________________________________________
    • ________________________________________
    • ________________________________________
    • ________________________________________

Next step will be to start thinking about a time line of the important events in Spain related to the Contemporary Age in the XX century

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2022

Natural Science Mind map!!

 Dear students,

Let´s create a Mind map of Magnetism and Mangneto sphere!!

Let´s include the following questions:

First part

  • What´s magnetism?
  • Is there electricity in magnetism?
  • How is Magnetism created?
Second part
  • What´s the magnetosphere?
  • How is it caused?
  • What is a Compass?
  • Why is the magnetosphere important?

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2022

English Review !! Environment unit (vocabulary of natural disasters, first conditional, irregular verbs with past simple and present Perfect , comparative/ superlative

 Dear students,

Please, review the following items:

Irregular verbs:

Infinitive        Past Simple        Past participle        Translation

Stick                stuck                stuck                    Pegar (similar to glue) 

Sweat            _______            _________            Sudar

Sting            ________            _________            Picar

Tear            _________            ________            Arrancar / Rasgar

wake            ________            __________        Despertar

Review Activity 23, pag 176 with the irregular verbs using past simple and present Perfect.

Past Simple:

a.) I stuck (stick) a note on her desk telling her to meet me after school.

b). She _______ (tear) the paper into small pieces.

c.) He ________ (wake) his daughter up because she was late for school.

d.)  It was so hot yesterday that I __________ (sweat) through my shirt.

e.) The wasp __________ (sting) him.

Present Perfect

a.) _________ you _________ (wake) your brother up yet? We´re going to be late.

Have you woken up your brother up yet?

b.) We  ___________ __________ (stick) the papers together with glue.

c.)  Oh dear, I ________ ________ (tear) my favorite dress .

I have torn ......

d.)  _______ a bee ______ (sting) you? Look at your hand!

Has a bee stung you?

e.) Take a shower! You _______ _______ (sweat) a lot.

Please, review the zero and first conditional (Page165, act 7 & 8)

 a.) If the weather is good tomorrow, we _______ ______ (go) to the park.

we will go

 b.) If we miss the bus, we ______ _____ (have) to walk

c.)  If it doesn´t rain soon, there _______ ______ (be) a forest fire.

d.)  We ________ _______ (not / hike) tomorrow if there is a thunderstorm.

d.) They ________ ______ (not / win ) the game if they don´t make this shot.

They will not (or won´t) win the game....

Vocabulary of Natural Disasters (definitions): (Thunderstom, flood, hurricane, drought, forest fire, blizard, earthquake, eruption, volcano, etc.....

Compound words: grasshopper, starfish, dragonfly, waterfalls


martes, 15 de noviembre de 2022

Writing ideas!! Environment writing 16

It´s time to create a writing!

A skyscraper will be built in your town. The skyscraper will affect an endangered species of birds, but it will also create jobs. What do you think about the skyscraper?

 Write a letter to the major with your opinion! Let´s start with the introduction:

Dear Major,

I am writing you this letter about the skyscraper that the Big Construction Company is going to build in ......



Thank you very much for taking the time to read this letter. 

I look forward to reading your thoughts about the skyscraper.

Sincerely, / Yours truly,/ Yours sincerely,/


You can check for some possible ideas in the milton assignment video!!

Mindmap of Magnetism!!

 Dear students,

Let´s try to create a mindmap of Magnetism with the following questions:


  • What is Magnetism?

  • How is magnetism created?
  • Bar magnets _______ ____________ _____________.
  • How do we represent a magnetic field?
    • Can you draw one example

What is a magnet, and how does it work? video 1

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2022

Match the begging with the proper endings!! Electricity and electric current!

Dear students,

Please, read and complete the following activity. Before doing the activity, please, review your notes about electricity and electric current. 

Remember that you have to create sentences matching the beginnings (a; b;c; d) with the correct endings (1; 2; 3 and 4):

Beginnings (1st part)





In a stable atom, there are the same…

When an electron leaves its orbit, …

Particles with the same amount of charge …

In a circuit, electricity flows out of the battery…

Endings (2nd part)





Repel each other.

Number of electrons and protons.

Through the wire, and back to the battery.

The atom becomes positively charged.


If you can, please, watch the following video:

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022

Contemporary Spain. 20th (XX) century!!

 Contemporary Spain 20th Century

Let´s try to answer the following questions:

  • Who were María Cristina and Alfonso XII?
  • Was there any military coup? What were the consequences?

Activities in Milton!!! Reading and Grammar!

 Dear students!!

There are some assignments in Milton.

Please, try to comple the grammar activities and the readings.

We are working with the conditionals (zero conditional, 1st conditional and 2nd conditional).

Zero conditional (it mentions/generates the truth)

There are two parts (If clause, main clause)

If clause (subject + present simple), main clause (subject + present simple)

If you heat ice, it melts.

If it snows, the weather is very cold.

If you touch a fire, you get burned.

If babies are hungry, they cry.

First conditional

It´s used to talk about specific things which might happen in the future.

If clause (subject + present simple), main clause (subject + future simple)

If it rains, I won´t (will not) go to the park.

If I study today, I will go to the cinema tomorrow.

She´ll miss the bus if she doesn´t leave soon.

If I see her, I will give her a present.

First conditional practice - liveworksheet!!

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2022


 Hi everyone! Remember for this week, you should finish colouring your zombie! Please get your drawing books and COLOUR IT! Here is the picture and the link:

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2022

Contemporary Age Mind Map / Outline!!

 Dear students,

Please check and complete the following mind map of the Contemporary Age (XIX century): 

You can also click on the link to view the Contemporary Age XIX c. Mind Map

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2022

Social science definitions!!

 Dear students:

Please, try to match the following words with the correct definition:

Words: Republic; constitution, conquer; monarchy; and defeat. 


a.) It´s when a country is ruled by a monarch (king or a queen).

b.) It´s when a country is ruled by someone (president) who is elected by ordinary people.

c.) It´s the basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the goverment and gurantee certain rights to the people.

d.) To win or acquire by force of arms.

e.) Win a war or a battle against an opponent. (defeat)Social

Industrial Revolution!!

What was the Industrial Revolution? When and where did it begin?

The Industrial Revolution was a series of economic and technological changes that began in Great Britain in the 18th century. Inventions such as the steam engine meant that products could be made in factories instead of by hand. Industry expanded and became more important than agriculture.

During the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution was taking place accross Europe. These changes happened more slowly in Spain than in other European countries. Spain´s economy was based mainly on agriculture for most of the 19th century. Industrial development was limited to some parts of Spain.

  • There were textile factories in Cataluña.
  • Mining was important in Asturias and in Río Tinto area in Huelva.
  • The steel industry developed in País Vasco.

Transport was also transformed by the invention of the steam engine. Trains powered by coal were developed and began to be used in the early 19th century.

Industrial Revolution - video!

In the second half of the 19th century the Spanish railway network expanded rapidly. This helped industry to develop because it was easier to transport people and products.

Let´s review about the Industrial Revolution. Please, check the following sentences.
Is it true or false?
  1. Industry became more important than agriculture during the Industrial Revolution.
  2. The Industrial revolution happened more quickly in Spain than in other European countries.
  3. Transport didn´t change significantly in the 19th century.
  4. The working class included people who worked in factories.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2022

Artistic movements in the 19th century: Romantism, Realism and Modernism

Dear students,

Did you know that there were different artistics movements during the 19th century?

What were their names?

  • Romanticism: It emerged in the late 18th century. It was a reaction of the Industrial Revolution. Artists wanted to show their feelings, nature and beauty. Francisco Goya was the most important artist in Spain.
  • Realism: emerged in the mid 19th century, as a reaction of Romanticism. Artists and writers focused on working class daily life.
  • Modernism: emerged in the late 19th century. It was related to the new shapes and experiments with the new materials, like "La Sagrada Familia" in Barcelona. 

Can you find out what the differences were between each other? What were their characteristics and their names?

Social science!! Matching definitions

Dear students:

Please, try to match the following words with the correct definition:

Words: Republic; constitution, conquer; monarchy; and defeat. 


  1. It´s when a country is ruled by a monarch (king or a queen).
  2. It´s when a country is ruled by someone (president) who is elected by ordinary people.
  3. It´s the basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the goverment and gurantee certain rights to the people.
  4. To win or acquire by force of arms.
  5. Win a war or a battle against an opponent. (defeat)

Revision of Unit 3 _ Vocabulary of the unit_ Grammar _ Verb focus _ Assignments / Writing

  Dear students, Please review the following items for the Unit 3 test: Vocabulary with definitions related to chores (taks performed in the...